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Department of Physics


At the Dortmund Graduate School of Physics, the topic of diversity is an important aspeact on the agenda.

All doctoral students must complete a course on diversity. The course consists of two sub-chapters: The first thematic block is dedicated to "Diversity with reference to sex, gender and sexual orientation" and the second block deals with "Intercultural sensitization". Both blocks begin with a theoretical introduction and conclude with a short review of what has been learned. The content of the courses is designed to create a solid foundation on which students can exchange and discuss ideas. Thus, not only the forms of gender-appropriate language and their application are examined, but also, among other things, one's own social privileges are questioned or feedback and communication cultures are analyzed. The aim of both courses is to recognize, name and eliminate unconscious prejudices. We hope that the courses will make a start so that we can all live and research together more openly, respectfully and without prejudice. The course can be completed in the DGSP's Moodle room.

At the same time, we offer contact persons if members of the DGSP experience problems with discrimination or want to discuss the topic in more depth:

1. the Equal Opportunities Officer of the department to the mail address of the Equal Opportunities officer or by directly via Email to Alina Landmann or Email to Anne Bialek.

2. The central Equal Opportunities Officer of TU Dortmund University

3. SchuDS - Central Advice Centre for Protection against Discrimination and Sexualized Violence

Members can report there anonymously (e.g. by creating a new e-mail address or calling anonymously). Sometimes it helps to simply "let off steam", but more is also possible: In consultation with the member, these offices can initiate discussions with superiors, work group leaders, responsible persons or persons involved in the conflict. It is very important to note that the decision-making power always lies with the person seeking help and that every decision is respected at all times.

The following motto of equality applies:

"If a person is undecided as to whether a situation they have experienced was "bad enough", it should be said at this point: if something feels wrong to you, then it was/is wrong. "