Structured doctoral program
In the structured doctoral program, all doctoral candidates are to acquire subject-specific and interdisciplinary qualifications. For this purpose, doctoral candidates must have participated in qualification measures with a total of at least 30 CP from the four areas of subject-related qualification, interdisciplinary qualification, supervision and teaching, and publication and science communication. The crediting of the various qualification measures is regulated in the module handbook .

Professional qualification
In the area of professional qualification, doctoral students can further their professional education. This can be done by
- Participation in subject-related courses
- Participation in a conference, workshop, summer school (independent of an own presentation)
- Longer research stay at an external institution
- Submission of mandatory written reports on the progress of the dissertation
Interdisciplinary qualification
In area of interdisciplinary qualification, doctoral students should learn soft skills and broader qualifications. Creditable are:
- Participation in the mandatory training in the area of equal opportunities.
- Participation in the mandatory module on good scientific practice
- Participation in courses on interdisciplinary qualifications, e.g., on project and time management and scientific writing as well as presentation trainings
- Participation in university language courses or certification courses
We are currently expanding the range of courses on offer and offer some courses under further education.
Supervision and teaching
In teaching and helping to supervise theses, doctoral students can develop their didactic and communication skills. CP can be credited for the following activities:
- Supervision of subject-related exercises, lab courses, or seminars.
- Participation in the supervision of bachelor theses
- Participation in the supervision of master theses
Publication and science communication
Publishing one's own work is an essential part of scientific work. It is important not only to address the professional community, but also to inform the public about modern research topics. Therefore the following are creditable in this area
- Substantial contribution to a publication
- Presentation (lecture or poster) at conference, workshops, etc. or, external seminar presentations upon invitation
- Substantial participation in the organization of conferences
- Tasks in the field of specialist public relations work